16.08.2023 The book “Human Factors in Privacy Research,” co-edited by FAI staff members Nina Gerber and Alina Stöver with Karola Marky, is now freely available under an Open Access license: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-28643-8

About the book: This book covers topics needed to be considered in research around usable privacy. The book starts from a psychological perspective and introduces readers to basic behavioral theories and models that can explain end-user privacy behavior (including the “privacy paradox”) on a theoretical level. Subsequently, an introduction to different study methods (e.g., experiment, survey, interviews, co-creation) used in usable privacy research is given. Based on this, different methodological aspects, such as identifying appropriate questionnaires, and applying User-Centered Design, will be discussed. Finally, the book describes application areas for privacy research such as dark patterns and presents solutions for privacy protection, e.g., regarding consent-giving and PETs. The book aims to bring together the different research approaches to the topic of usable privacy, which often originate from computer science, psychology, and law, and provide a methodologically sound basis for researchers who want to delve deeper into this topic.

16.08.2023 The book “Human Factors in Privacy Research,” co-edited by FAI staff members Nina Gerber and Alina Stöver with Karola Marky, is now freely available under an Open Access license: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-28643-8

About the book: This book covers topics needed to be considered in research around usable privacy. The book starts from a psychological perspective and introduces readers to basic behavioral theories and models that can explain end-user privacy behavior (including the “privacy paradox”) on a theoretical level. Subsequently, an introduction to different study methods (e.g., experiment, survey, interviews, co-creation) used in usable privacy research is given. Based on this, different methodological aspects, such as identifying appropriate questionnaires, and applying User-Centered Design, will be discussed. Finally, the book describes application areas for privacy research such as dark patterns and presents solutions for privacy protection, e.g., regarding consent-giving and PETs. The book aims to bring together the different research approaches to the topic of usable privacy, which often originate from computer science, psychology, and law, and provide a methodologically sound basis for researchers who want to delve deeper into this topic.

12.07.2023 The proceedings of our “International Symposium on Technikpsychologie (TecPsy) 2023” are now available here: https://sciendo.com/book/9788366675896

01.06.2023 FAI welcomes Sara Hahn as a new research associate in the team. After completing her master's degree at the TU Darmstadt, she is working on user intentions regarding privacy and trust.

27.03.2023 The FAI warmly congratulates Ms. Alina Stöver on the successful defense of her doctoral thesis entitled “Investigating the Contribution of Website Operators to the Emergence and Resolution of Privacy Risks”. First supervisor of the thesis was Prof. Dr. Joachim Vogt, second supervisor was Prof. Dr. Karola Marky from the Ruhr-University Bochum. The other review board members were Prof. Dr. Josef Wiemeyer, Prof. Dr. Stephanie Pieschl and Prof. Dr. Ralf Tenberg.

15.02.2023 We are pleased to welcome numerous participants to the International Symposium on Psychology of Technology (TecPsy '23), which provided for exciting discussions today. The symposium started with a keynote by Alena Naiakshina from Ruhr-Universität Bochum titled “Helping Developers with Software Security”, followed by four exciting paper contributions around the topic of Usable Security & Privacy. After the lunch break and poster session, the second keynote entitled “Happy, but only for a while? Effects of Digital Technology Use on Well-Being”, held by Tobias Dienlin from the University of Vienna. This was followed by three other exciting paper contributions on the topics of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the development of a Cyber Security Volunteer Force, and the development of exoskeletons. The papers will be published as open access publications via Sciendo.


Now available:
Joachim Vogt (Ed.)
Motorradgeschichten aus Deutschland
100 Jahre Technikpsychologie.

More about the book.

01.08.2022 The FAI congratulates Verena Zimmermann on her new position as Assistant Professor for Security, Privacy and Society at theETH Zürich! We are also very pleased that we continue to cooperate with each other on various projects.

07.10.2021 The FAI congratulates Ms. Eva Hennecke on the successful defense of her doctoral thesis entitled “Effects of chronic and acute sleep deprivation on sleep-wake regulation and cognition”. First examiner of the thesis was Prof. Dr. Joachim Vogt, second examiner was PD Dr. Eva-Maria Elmenhorst from the German Aerospace Center in Cologne. The other review board members were Prof. Wolfgang Ellermeier, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Stephanie Pieschl and Prof. Dr. Birgit Ziegler.

07.10.2021 Catrine Hovgesen received her doctoral certificate for a research project with 100 Patients. The title was „Sick with stress due to childhood schemas? Associations and potential preventive measures derived from a Danish client sample“

Catrine successfully defended her thesis against her supervisor, Prof. Dr. Joachim Vogt, and the co-referee Prof. Dr. Claudia Harzer, University of Greifswald. Prof. Wolfgang Ellermeier, PhD, was the chairman of the committee. The two associate judges were Hartmut Berger, Professor for Psychopathology, and Prof. Dr. Birgit Ziegler (Berufspädagogik und Berufsbildungsforschung).


Catrine Hovgesen
Catrine Hovgesen

25.06.2021 We are pleased to announce that a piece of work launched from SecUrban has won 3rd place in the emergenCITY Collaboration Award:

Christian Reuter, Jasmin Haunschild, Matthias Hollick, Max Mühlhäuser, Joachim Vogt, Michael Kreutzer (2020). Towards Secure Urban Infrastrcutures: Cyber Security Challenges to Information and Communication Technology in Smart Cities.
The article can be found at the following link: https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/33550

22.06.2020 The FAI would like to congratulate Ms Marita Unden on the successful examination of her doctoral thesis entitled “ Psychological stress and strain in foreign assignments – expatriates in development cooperation” (in German: “Psychische Belastung und Beanspruchung im Auslandseinsatz – Expatriates in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit”)! The first examiner of the thesis was Prof. Dr. Joachim Vogt , the second examiner was Prof. Dr. Claudia Harzer. The other reviewers were Prof. Wolfgang Ellermeier, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Frank Hänsel, and Prof. Dr. Brigit Ziegler.

An additional challenge was that the disputation took place for the first time in our research group and, due to the Corona pandemic, as a video conference. Ms Unden coped with this brilliantly!

03.04.2020 Due to the Corona virus, the FAI has been working almost exclusively from the home office for a while. Nevertheless, we can be reached by email and phone and try to implement all appointments and requests as well as possible digitally. So feel free to contact us with questions about projects, teaching or similar.

#ThankYou: We would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you in this extraordinary situation: thank you to the medical staff and all the researchers who are working against Corona every day. Thank you to all the people who ensure our daily care and day-to-day operations in various areas. Thank you to all the people who support and help in other ways. Thank you also to all the university members who continue to carry out research, teaching, and administration during these times.

The FAI wishes you all the best and, above all, good health!

03.03.2020 The FAI would like to congratulate Ms Nina Gerber on the successful disputation of her doctoral thesis entitled “”I wonder how, I wonder why“: Supporting users in protecting their digital privacy by increasing risk awareness and knowledge as well as addressing protection obstacles”! First examiner of the thesis was Prof. Dr. Joachim Vogt , second examiner was Prof. Dr. Sarah Diefenbach.

Link to the thesis: Universitätsbibliothek Technische Universität Darmstadt

01.03.2020 FAI puts its two-wheeler fleet into operation:

A BMW K75c (fig. right) and three electric bikes from Riese und Müller (fig. below). The BMW is used to generate video and vehicle data for the simulator, which is also to be used in Teaching in summer 2020 (Work and Product Design). Usability studies will then be carried out with the bikes in various scenarios.

E-bikes in the FAI from Riese und Müller
E-bikes in the FAI from Riese und Müller

29.01.2020 Alina Stöver gave a lecture on the topic of “Protecting digital privacy – who bears what responsibility?” (in German: “Schutz digitaler Privatsphäre – wer trägt welche Verantwortung?”) in front of many interested people as part of the Academic Quarter at the TU Darmstadt and moderated a subsequent, exciting discussion on this topic. The lecture included the first results of an extensive study conducted within the interdisciplinary GRK “Privacy and Trust for Mobile Users”. There, Ms Stöver's research deals with privacy and trust in technology from a human perspective.

20.01.2020 Verena Zimmermann and Paul Gerber have published an article on the user-centred design of smart homes in the i-com Journal for Interactive Media. The article was written in cooperation with colleagues from the TK research group at the Department of Computer Science and Fraunhofer IGD as part of CRISP/ATHENE, the National Research Centre for Applied Cyber Security. A blog post about the article is available at Science Discoveries: https://sciencediscoveries.degruyter.com/smart-home-smarter-than-me/


05.01.10: Following the success of the last university health days, the event will be re-issued on the 3rd of March, 2010 in the canteen (city centre). The workplace health promotion group “AK Gesundheit” kindly invites everybody to take an active part in the event. Different departments of the university will introduce themselves with their contributions regarding workplace health promotion. Presentations, discussions, talks and activity opportunities will provide a lot of inspiration. The increasing dominance of professional life leaves its tracks in social structures. It is more and more difficult to find the balance between stress – recreation and the meaning of work. This is about work-life-balance. There is continuing information here:

- Overview

- Presentation (opens in new tab)

04.01.10: We are pleased to welcome two new scientists in our research group:

- Arne Seehaus since 15.11.09

- Romanof Kroh since 01.01.10

29.07.09: The Federal Ministry of Education and Research grants a Future-Call-Project on cultural synergies in dealing with critical incidents. The main aim of this project is to propose a coordination and support activity in the Framework Programme 7 (FP7) of the European Commission. For further information please click here.

27.07.09: We are on-line!!! After our workgroup has settled down successfully in the institute, now we are also accessible on the internet.