Prof. Dr. Joachim Vogt
Working area(s)
work +49 6151 16-24081
S1|15 10
Alexanderstr. 10
On request, a consultation hour is offered via Zoom. It takes place exclusively by appointment. Registration for the consultation hour by e-mail is required.
Please hand in the yellow slips for proof of VP hours in the secretary's office and pick them up again a few days later with signatures. In addition to Prof. Vogt, Dr. Gerber, Dr. Stöver and Ms. Menig are authorized to sign.
After obtaining his doctorate and habilitation on psychophysiological stress or rather sustainable development in air traffic management, Joachim Vogt was appointed to the University of Copenhagen in 2004. There he researched and taught on the topics of safety, health, and sustainability with a special focus on people as their designers, beneficiaries, and endangerers.
In 2007, he joined Deutsche Flugsicherung in a validation project for the Single European Sky or rather the company-wide Critical Incident Stress Management CISM.
Since 2009, Joachim Vogt has headed the Research Group for Work and Engineering Psychology FAI at the Technical University of Darmstadt. In 2018/19, he was one of the initiators for the foundation of the specialist group for Engineering Psychology in the German Society for Psychology DGPs, to whose leadership he was elected.
The essential field of activity today is the design of complex socio-technical systems in interdisciplinary cooperation with the technical departments of the Technical University of Darmstadt. The FAI has individual teaching, self-administration, and research collaborations into all departments. Collaboration in the network exists with the profile area Cyber-Security, the project KI²VA (german acronym for competence development interdisciplinary and international from the very beginning; Kompetenzentwicklung interdisziplinär und international von Anfang an), Mechanical Engineering (especially mechatronics and flight systems) as well as Civil and Environmental Engineering (municipal development, control rooms e.g. in water management).
Research profile
- Designing work and products with people in mind, e.g. future workplaces, software or prostheses
- Measure / optimize stress / strain, e.g. psychophysiological stress measurement
- Improve critical incidents, accidents, and handling in socio-technical systems
- Develop leadership and organization, e.g. balanced scorecard health, shift work, performance
- Evaluate and design interdisciplinary teaching
- Optimize environmental behavior/experience, e.g., noise control, recycling, housing
- Improve usability of information/communication technology (safety, security, privacy)
Scientific career
2011 – 2015 | Vice Dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences FB3 |
2011 – 2013 | Executive Director of the Institute of Psychology |
Since 2009 | Head of the research group Work and Engineering Psychology FAI |
2007 – 2009 | Research Management and Human Factors Officer, Deutsche Flugsicherung DFS |
2004 – 2007 | Associate Professor Work and Organizational Psychology, Copenhagen University |
1993 – 2005 | Scientific employee/assistant at the Universities of Düsseldorf and Dortmund; doctorate in 1998 on psychophysiological stress of air traffic controllers; habilitation in 2003 on sustainable development of air traffic management |
2016 | Ines Passier and Joachim Vogt, together with Caritasverband Darmstadt e.V. and the Betriebskrankenkasse Merck, receive the Hessian Health Award in the “Staying Healthy” (Hessischer Gesundheitspreis in der Kategorie “Gesund bleiben”) category for the FIGA project (early intervention mental health, a sequential work ability concept; frühzeitige Intervention psychische Gesundheit, ein sequenzielles Arbeitsfähigkeitskonzept). |
2013 | Special award of the Carlo and Karin Giersch Foundation at the TU Darmstadt for interdisciplinary teaching in the master projects “Human-oriented technical assistance systems” (Mensch-orientierte technische Assistenzsysteme) together with Prof. André Seyfarth (Sports Science) and Dr. Philipp Beckerle (Mechanical Engineering) |
2013 | Cofounders Award for Excellence in Crisis Intervention/Trauma Research from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation for research on the impact of Critical Incident Stress Management CISM. |
1999 | Rudolf Chaudoire Research Award of the University of Dortmund: Support for a stay at the technical center of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration |
1995 | Georg Sieber Research Award of the Scientific Society for the Promotion of Applied Psychology, Bonn: Award for the diploma thesis “Laboratory Experimental Investigation of the Effect Contingent on Aircraft Noise” (“Laborexperimentelle Untersuchung zur Wirkungskontingentierung von Fluglärm”) |
Participation in teaching
Emotion, motivation, thinking, and language
Course Content:
The lecture offers a basic insight into the topics of General Psychology II with emphasis on emotion and motivation. The accompanying seminars focus on thinking and language. The lecture elaborates the difference between emotions and motivation. It is structured according to the scientific-historical paradigms of biological psychology, psychoanalysis, learning theories, cognitive science, and here especially attribution theories. The actual genesis of emotions and emotion expression is treated as well as the influence of emotions on cognitive processes. In motivation, a distinction is made between motives and motivation as a process. These differences are specified on the basis of content areas such as power, aggression, and performance. Furthermore, the conditions that can lead to volitional processes and trigger actions are discussed. Thinking as problem solving is described and explained from different theoretical perspectives. In logical reasoning and decision making, typical errors are pointed out. The syntactic structure of language and the semantic meaning of words are explained from a psychological perspective. Furthermore, the processes of language comprehension and language generation as well as the mutual influence of language and thinking are explained.
Learning Objectives:
Students will have knowledge of theories in the four subject areas of emotion, motivation, thought, and language. They are able to present the theories in their historical context and to assign them to the most important psychological currents. The students are able to critically and reflectively evaluate the individual theoretical assumptions also with regard to empirical studies and their significance for practical concerns.
Introduction to Biological Psychology
Course content:
The lecture “Introduction to Biological Psychology” conveys connections between biological processes and psychological functions. Students learn about different electrophysiological biosignals (e.g. electrodermal activity EDA, electrocardiography ECG, electroencephalogram EEG etc.) and understand their measurement principles. Respiratory, blood pressure and salivary analysis are also topics of the lecture. The importance of physiological mechanisms for work and technology, learning and behavior, as well as the development of mental disorders is exemplified in individual research and application areas. In the exercises on peripheral physiological measurement, the students answer questions of research and practice in psychology. In doing so, they also acquire knowledge of scientific theory, ethics, hygiene, experimental design, and safety for taking measurements. Thus, practical skills for performing psychophysiological measurements in natural science and engineering applications are taught.
Joachim Vogt & Sven Thönes (Hrsg.) (2015). Einführung in die biologische Psychologie und das peripher-physiologische Messen. Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
Course Description:
Introduction to Biological Psychology is part of the interdisciplinary module in Psychology with Biology. Psychology students must take two of three courses in the Biology Department: Human Biology, Physiology, and/or Development. Two other courses from the Department of Psychology are required: The lecture “Introduction to Biological Psychology” conveys connections between biological processes and psychological functions.
GPEK – Fundamentals of Planning, Development and Design (Grundlagen des Planens, Entwickelns und Konstruierens)
! For psychology students for the last time in WS 19/20 !
A mandatory requirement for participation in the module GPEK is the attendance of the GPEK – kick-off event on the first lecture Monday at 8 a.m. in L4|02 Room 1 & 2 (Lecture Hall and Media Center HMZ on the Lichtwiese, Franziska-Braun-Straße 10) and the entry in the participant lists distributed there. This course will be offered for psychology students for the last time in WS 19/20.
Course Description:
In the expert working meetings (FAT), the students are provided with technical background information on their respective expert role and are prepared in concrete terms for the tasks they will have to perform within the framework of GPEK. The respective subject roles are the subject experts in their project groups and incorporate the knowledge gained from the FATs in the project group meetings.
In the winter semester, the subject roles are Energy and Resource Management, Land Management, Educational Planning Analysis and Consulting, Project Control, Psychological Evaluation and Intervention, Spatial Planning, Urban Water Management, and Transportation Planning. In the summer semester, there are the subject roles of Construction Operations, Building Construction and Design, Facade Engineering, Basic Surveying, Project Control, and Structural Design. The selection of the specialist roles takes place for the planning part in the winter semester in the GPEK kick-off event or for the construction part in the summer semester following the event “Presentation of the construction specialist roles”. Students of psychology and pedagogy are automatically assigned to the subject roles Psychological Evaluation and Intervention and Pedagogical Planning Analysis and Consultation, respectively.
Note to psychology students:
The students participate in an interdisciplinary project under the leadership of Department 13. In their specialist role PEI (Psychological Evaluation and Intervention) they influence the planning process from a human science perspective (e.g. recording and taking into account residents' needs). On the other hand, group processes are to be actively shaped and human behavior is to be reflected. The psychology students learn about human science participation possibilities and psychological methods of intervention and evaluation within the framework of the project work and are able to apply them. This includes the analysis of the initial situation as well as the recording of relevant usage habits and needs related to reference groups. The knowledge imparted is to be actively transferred into the planning and working processes of the project group. The students present their results in presentations and tests. They present them according to given guidelines in the form of a scientific report. The first events will clarify the processes and requirements of this project event.
Project Work Electrical Engineering & Information Technology (Projektarbeit Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik)
! For psychology students for the last time in WS 19/20 !
Course content:
Introduction to Interdisciplinary Project Work: The course accompanies all interdisciplinary project events with the technical departments. In the master's program, these are the minor subjects of computer science, electrical engineering and information technology, and mechanical engineering, and here specifically the work sciences (advanced design projects). The event is an open forum for the participants in the mentioned minor subjects. It will be continued after the first meetings in small group work according to the different minor subjects.
Introductory project (etit project week): Students learn about the variety of work areas in electrical engineering and information technology by means of a practical, technical task. The introductory project opens up a perspective on further studies and introduces engineering thinking and teamwork. The project groups will work together for one week. They will be supported by one specialist and one team mentor.
Qualification Objectives / Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module, students will be able to
- Apply interdisciplinary approaches to questions concerning the experience and behavior of people
- Analyze and interpret theoretical knowledge acquired in the minor subject from a psychological perspective
- Formulate psychological knowledge in interdisciplinary events and groups and explain it to students from other disciplines
- Summarize conclusions in such a way that users from other professions can make a decision about their relevance to their area of responsibility.
Project management, process analysis, and design project
Course content:
Students will learn relevant tools and methods of project management and process analysis and will be able to work on projects in a goal-oriented manner with measurable results. On the basis of a design project with, if possible, a client, what has been learned is to be put into practice and documented in a project report. In addition, students will be enabled to reflect on project management and teamwork and to generate ideas for future projects. To this end, students are primarily taught practical techniques for the successful management of projects from psychologically motivated work design and product development. They will gain insight into which project management techniques are common in research and development departments and how these techniques can also be used for interdisciplinary cooperation. Special emphasis is placed on the use of standardized tools for project planning and control. Group psychological processes such as motivating project team members, effective crisis management, and means of designing successful project meetings are also covered.
In the seminar Project Management and Process Analysis (2 SWS) the mastery of (EDP) tools for project planning with OpenOffice is practiced as well as the development of evaluation methods tailored to the respective case. Further contents are basics of project management, phases and processes of project management, formulation of goals, making decisions, project organization, and conflict/risk management.
Psychological design projects (3 SWS) from a wide variety of fields are to provide concrete tasks on which the techniques of project management are tested. In the design projects, the tasks and goals are first concretized. The students are supervised and accompanied. The choice and elaboration of the task is the first creative task for the students. In the supervision phase, current issues in the independent execution of the project task are discussed. In the follow-up phase, a project report is prepared and the experiences, including the interpersonal aspects of project management, are critically reflected on.
German Institute for Standardization DIN 69901
For the short presentations:
Andler, N. (2015, 6. überarbeitete und erweiterte AUflage): Tools für Projektmanagement, Workshops und Consulting. Erlangen: Publicis.
Literature to be recommended in addition:
Hansel, J.; Lomnitz, G. (2003): Projektleiter-Praxis. Heidelberg: Springer.
The requirement is participation in the kick-off event on the first day of the event and entry in the project group lists distributed there.
Expected number of participants:
40 total, approx. 10 per group
Qualification Objectives / Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module, students will be able to
- Understand the technical terms of project management and how project management is embedded in the organization.
- To discuss practical case studies.
- Apply appropriate (computer) tools to manage working time, manpower, and resources.
- To set up a project, plan it over a longer period of time, organize it, show project progress continuously in a flow chart and evaluate, interpret, and summarize project results.
- Identify and solve team building and leadership problems.
- Document project management as a collaborative process.
Psychological Work and Product Design
Course content:
Building on the knowledge acquired in the bachelor's program, special procedures of work and product analysis, safety management, product design, occupational safety, health and environmental protection in design, production, and service processes are deepened.
Reference is made to research into individual procedures as well as their practical application in organizations.
As part of the project “User- and Environment-Oriented Work and Product Design” (“Nutzer- und umweltorientierte Arbeits- und Produktgestaltung”), two sub-projects on the main topics of work and product design are offered, of which students can choose one.
The requirement is participation in the kick-off event on the first day of the event and entry in the project group lists distributed there.
Qualification Objectives / Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the module, students will be able to
- Design work, technology and products on the basis of General, Biological, Social, Instructional, and Environmental Psychology.
- Optimize human-machine interfaces.
- Participate in work, technology and product design processes from a psychological perspective, i.e. to create initial lists of requirements, to evaluate design options in a criteria-oriented manner, to test prototypes.
- Apply scientific methodological approaches to work, technology, and product design.
- Profitably use psychological methods, concepts, and constructs in interdisciplinary projects.
Further information:
Students from the old study regulations (2010) please register with the small groups of Ms. Menig or Ms. Zimmermann.
2012 |
Inventor(s): Stephan Rinderknecht, Oskar von Stryk, Philipp Beckerle, Oliver Christ, Joachim Vogt Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Durchführen von Tests mit einer Testprothese Pantent Number(s): Germany DE 10 2012 103 971 A1 |
Inventor(s): Stephan Rinderknecht, Oskar von Stryk, Philipp Beckerle, Oliver Christ, Joachim Vogt Verfahren und Testeinrichtungen zur Durchführung von Tests mit einer Prothese Patent Number(s): Germany DE 10 2012 103 972 A1 |
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles:
- Vogt, J., Keil, U., Cornel, C., Gerber, N. & Ferreira, Y. (2023). Psychotechnik, human factors, engineering psychology. Technikpsychologie—100 years of interdisciplinary cooperation between engineering and human sciences. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 77, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41449-023-00353-x
- Dressler, A., Gerber, N., Menig, A., Pasnicu, O., Stöver, A. & Vogt, J. (2023). Current topics of interdisciplinary cooperation between engineering and human sciences. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 77, 7-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41449-023-00352-y
- Vogt, J. (2021). Where is the human got to go? Artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, digitalisation, and human–robot interaction in Industry 4.0 and 5.0. AI & Society. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00146-020-01123-7. PDF
- Baumann, M., Chuang, L., Pannasch, S., Sauer, J., Vogt, J. & Attig, C. (2020). Aktuelle Entwicklungen der deutschsprachigen Ingenieurpsychologie, Journal Psychologie des Alltagshandelns, 13(1), 5-11.
- Herbst, J., Polanski-Schräder, L.M.T., Vogt, J., Schürmann, T. & Beckerle, P. (2020). Reliability and validity analysis of the questionnaire to explore human factors and their technical potential. Prosthetics & Orthotics International.
- Schürmann, T., Vogt, J., Christ, O., Beckerle, P. (2019). The Bayesian causal inference model benefits from an informed prior to predict proprioceptive drift in the Rubber Foot Illusion. Springer Cognitive Processing. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10339-019-00928-9
- Penner, D., Abrams, A., Overath, P., Vogt J. & Beckerle P. (2019). Robotic Leg Illusion: system design and human-in-the-loop evaluation. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems. https://doi.org/10.1109/THMS.2019.2896447
- Huynh T.V., Bekrater-Bodmann R., Fröhner J., Vogt J., Beckerle P. (2019) Robotic hand illusion with tactile feedback: Unravelling the relative contribution of visuotactile and visuomotor input to the representation of body parts in space. PLoS ONE 14(1), e0210058, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0210058
- Zimmermann, V., Felscher-Suhr, U. & Vogt, J. (online 2017, print March 2018). Public perceptions of Frankfurt Airport's value – A survey approach. Journal of Air Transport Management Volume 67, pp. 46–54, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jairtraman.2017.11.005
- Mayer, P., Gerber, N., McDermott, R., Volkamer, M. & Vogt, J. (2017). Productivity vs security: mitigating conflicting goals in organizations. Information & Computer Security, 25(2), pp.137-151, https://doi.org/10.1108/ICS-03-2017-0014
- Beckerle P., Christ O., Schürmann T., Vogt J., von Stryk O., & Rinderknecht S (2017). A human-machine-centered design method for (powered) lower limb prosthetics. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. doi: 10.1016/j.robot.2017.05.004
- Zimmermann, V., Henhapl, B., Volkamer, M. & Vogt, J. (2017). Ende-zu-Ende sichere E-Mail-Kommunikation. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit – DuD, 41(5), 308-313 doi 10.1007/s11623-017-0781-4
- Schürmann, T., Beckerle, P., Preller, J., Vogt, J., & Christ, O. (2016). Theoretical implementation of prior knowledge in the design of a multi-scale prosthesis satisfaction questionnaire. Biomedical Engineering Online, Volume 15, Supplement 3, pp. 65-74. doi: 10.1186/s12938-016-0288-5
- Koch, F.D. & Vogt. J. (2015). Psychology in an interdisciplinary setting – a large-scale project to improve university teaching. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 14 (2), 158-168.
- Flögel, M., Kalveram, K.T., Christ, O. & Vogt, J. (2015). Application of the rubber hand illusion paradigm: comparison between upper and lower limbs. Psychological Research, 1-9, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00426-015-0650-4
- Schürmann, T., Janzarik, G. & Vogt, J. (2015). Movement transformation on multi-touch devices – intuitivity or instructional preparation? Applied Ergonomics, 50, 251-255.
- Müller-Leonhardt, A., Stroebaek, P. & Vogt, J. (2015). Dealing collectively with critical incident stress reactions in high risk work environments: a case study on a European Air Navigation Services Provider. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, Vol. 18, No. 2, 156-172.
- Knöll, M., Neuheuser, K., Vogt, J. & Rudolph-Cleff, A. (2014). Einflussfaktoren der gebauten Umwelt auf wahrgenommene Aufenthaltsqualität bei der Nutzung städtischer Räume. Zeitschrift für Umweltpsychologie – Schwerpunktthema 2/2014: Aneignung, Teilhabe, Wohlbefinden – städtische Räume und ihre Nutzungen, 18. Jg., Heft 2 (35), 2014, 84-102.
- Santel, C.G., Gerber, P., Mehringskoetter, S., Schochlow, V., Vogt, J. & Klingauf, U. (2014). How glider pilots misread the FLARM collision alerting display. Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 4(2), 86-97. doi 10.1027/2192-0923/a000060
- Eikenbusch, C., Passier, I., Schnee, M. & Vogt, J. (2014). Bürgerschaftliches Engagement, Unternehmensstrategie, Gesellschaftserfolg. Zeitschrift für Sozialmanagement, 12(2), 43-55.
- Müller-Leonhardt, A., Mitchell, S.G., Vogt, J. & Schürmann, T. (2014). Critical incident stress management (CISM) in complex systems: cultural adaptation and safety impacts in healthcare. Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention. Volume 68, 172–180. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0001457513005216
- Vogt, J. & Nunes, K.R.A. (2014). Recycling behaviour in healthcare: waste handling at work. Ergonomics, 57(4), 525-535, doi: 10.1080/00140139.2014.887786.
- Vogt, J., Lambrecht, J. & Steudle, D. (2014). Pausennahme und psychosomatische Beschwerden bei pädagogischen Mitarbeitern aus Sicht der Betroffenen. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 68 (1), S. 27-34.
- Strøbæk, P. & Vogt, J. (2013). Cultural synergy and organizational change: from crisis to innovation. Journal of Business and Media Psychology, Issue 1/2013. http://journal-bmp.de/2013/06/english-cultural-synergy-and-organizational-change-from-crisis-to-innovation/?lang=en
- Vogt, J. & Schnee, M. (2012). Führung als Moderator von Gesundheit, Absentismus und Präsentismus bei Restrukturierungsprozessen. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, 66, 269-276.
- Stolte, W., Vogt, J. & Weber, C. (2010). Controlling practical drift in high reliability organizations. International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies, 10(2), 31-49. Electronically p. 47 of http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/arc/programs/academy/journal/pdf/Winter_2010.pdf
- Vogt, J. (2010). Strategische Steuerung von Sicherheit, Zeitschrift für Controlling, 22, 130-131.
- Vogt, J., Leonhardt, J., Köper, B. & Pennig, S. (2010). Human factors in safety and business management. Ergonomics, 53(2), 149-163.
- Vogt, J., Gasche, V., Muris, J., Leonhardt, J. & Mitchell, J.T. (2009). A report on the evaluation of the First European Conference on Critical Incident Stress Management organized by the European Office of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 11(2), 111-120.
- Leonhardt, J. & Vogt, J. (2009). Cultural differences in dealing with critical incidents. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 11(3), 155-164.
- Vogt, J. & Leonhardt, J. (2009). Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) bei richtiger Anwendung ohne Nebenwirkungen. Trauma und Gewalt, 3, 261-266.
- Mitchell, J.T., Eggert, W., Leonhardt, J. & Vogt, J. (2008). Gestion du Stress lié à un incident critique, Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM). Une approche flexible et une stratégie adaptative à l’intervention de crise, Stress et Trauma, 8(3), 163-175.
- Möller, K., Gamm, N., Braun, M., Iserloh, B., Kastner, M., Kliesch, G. Köper, B., Pennig, S. & Vogt, J. (2008). Strategische Steuerung der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung mit Strategy Maps. Zeitschrift für Management, 3/2008, 225-280.
- Wegge, J., Vogt & J. Wecking, C. (2007). Customer induced stress in call center work: A comparison of audio- and videoconference. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 80, 693–712.
- Vogt, J., Pennig, S. & Leonhardt, J. (2007). Critical Incident Stress Management in air traffic control and its benefits. Air Traffic Control Quarterly, 15(2), 127-156.
- Eißfeld, H., Weber, R. Udovic, A. & Vogt, J. (2006). Long-term prediction of stress resistance in air traffic controllers. Journal of Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 6(4), 323-331.
- Vogt, J., Hagemann, T. & Kastner, M. (2006). The impact of workload on heart rate and blood pressure in en-route and tower air traffic control. The Journal of Psychophysiology, 20(4), 297-314. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/0269-8803.20.4.297
- Maziul, M., Job R.F.S. & Vogt, J. (2005). Complaint data as an index of annoyance--theoretical and methodological issues. Noise & Health, 7(28). 17-27.
- Vogt, J. & Leonhardt, J. (2005). Increasing safety by stress management. Safety Science Monitor, Vol. 9, Issue 1, Article 6.
- Vogt J. (2005). The relative impact of aircraft noise and number in a full-factorial laboratory design. The Journal of Sound and Vibration, 282, 1085-1100.
- Vogt, J., Leonhardt, J. Köper, B. & Pennig, S. (2004). Economic evaluation of the critical incident stress management program. The International Journal of Emergency Mental Health 6(4), 185-196.
- Vogt, J., Haugg, E. & Maziul, M. (2004). Neues Slot-System der Augsburger Flughafen GmbH reduziert Belästigung durch Hubschrauber. Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung, 6, 181-184.
- Haugg, E., Maziul, M. & Vogt, J. (2003). The socio-organisational interface: Attitudes of airport residents towards aviation and how to meet information requirements. Journal of Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 3(3), 247-253.
- Köper, B. & Vogt, J. (2003). The economic point of view: costs and benefits of development programmes. Journal of Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 3(3), 271-283.
- Vogt, J. (2003). Sustainable development and environmental impacts of aviation. Journal of Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 3(3), 255-270.
- Köper, B. & Vogt, J. (2003). Positive Wirkungen der Einführung moderner technischer Systeme für Mitarbeiter in der Flugsicherung. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft, Sonderausgabe 2/2003, 130-148.
- Vogt, J., Adolph, L., Ayan, T., Udovic, A. & Kastner, M. (2002). Stress in modern air traffic control systems and potential influences on memory performance. Journal of Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 2(4), 355-378.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (2002). Psychophysiological responses under exceptional stress: air traffic control during the Duesseldorf airport fire on April 11th 1996. Journal of Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 2(1), 87–96.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (2002). Tinnituserkrankungen bei Fluglotsen: Eine klinisch–arbeitspsychologische Studie. Zeitschrift für Arbeits– und Organisationspsychologie, 46(1), 35-44. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1026//0932-4089.46.1.35
- Vogt, J., Kuhnert, P. & Kastner, M. (2001). Anforderungen der neuen Arbeitswelt und das Problem der Arbeitslosigkeit: Selbstmanagement–Beratung als Präventionskonzept. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 3, 155–167.
- Becher, L.F., Vogt, J., Schreiber, M. & Kalveram, K.T. (1997). Effekte der visuellen Umwelt auf das Geräuscherleben. Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung, 44, 195–200.
- Felscher–Suhr, U., Guski, R., Hunecke, M., Kastka, J., Paulsen, R., Schümer, R. & Vogt, J. (1996). Störungen von Alltagstätigkeiten durch Flug– und Straßenlärm: Eine methodologische Vorstudie. Zeitschrift für Lärmbekämpfung, 43, 61–68.
- Jäncke, L., Vogt, J., Musial, F., Lutz, K. & Kalveram, K.T. (1996). Facial EMG responses to auditory stimuli. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 22, 85–96.
- Jäncke, L., Musial, F., Vogt, J. & Kalveram K.T. (1994). Monitoring radio programs and time of day affect simulated car–driving performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 79, 484–486.
Peer-reviewed Conference contributions:
- Kalveram, K.T., Penner, D., Hessinger, M., Seyfarth, A. & Vogt, J. (2018). Cogito, Ergo Sum? About self-other discrimination and man-robot cooperation. KogWis 2018 The 14th biannual conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science, 3.-6. September 2018 at Technische Universität Darmstadt.
- Schuster, D., Vogt, J. & Bongard, S. (2018). Zusammenhänge von Präsentismus, Stresserleben und sozialer Unterstützung bei Polizeibeamtinnen und -beamten im Wechselschichtdienst der Polizei Rheinland-Pfalz. Poster präsentiert auf der Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Frankfurt am Main.
- Erler, P., Rinderknecht, S., Vogt, J. & Menig, A. (2018). Investigating the perception of powertrain shuffle with a longitudinal dynamic driving simulator. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2018, submission number 93.
- Schuster, D., Vogt, J. & Bongard, S. (2017). Gender-specific effects on importance of health literacy ratings depend on job strain of shift working police officers. Poster präsentiert auf der International Convention of Psychological Science, Wien, Österreich.
- Wojtusch, J., Beckerle, P., Schürmann, T., Schumacher, M., Christ, O., Seyfarth, A., Rinderknecht, S., Vogt, J. & von Stryk, O. (2016). Towards seamless integration of active assistive devices into the user's body schema. Cybathlon Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland.
- Gerber, N., McDermott, R., Volkamer, M. & Vogt, J. (2016). Understanding information security compliance – Why goal setting and rewards might be a bad idea. In: Clarke, N. L. & Furnell, S. M. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2016). Plymouth University, United Kingdom, pp. 145-155.
- Dirsch-Weigand, A., Koch, F. D., Pinkelman, R., Awolin, M., Vogt, J. & Hampe, M. J. (2015). Looking beyond one's own nose right from the start: interdisciplinary study projects for first year engineering students. World Engineering Education Forum/International Conference on Interactive Collaborate Learning, Florence, Italy. http://www.weef2015.eu/Proceedings_WEEF2015/proceedings/papers/Contribution1221.pdf
- Menig, A., Neuheuser, K. & Vogt, J. (2015). Time out – Ein mobiles Übungsprogramm für Körper und Psyche. Poster auf dem 12. Kongress der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie, Graz, Österreich, 17.-19. September. http://static.uni-graz.at/fileadmin/veranstaltungen/gesundheitspsychologie-kongress-2015/gp-kongress-2015_Abstractband_V2.pdf
- Schürmann, T., Beckerle, P., Wojtusch, J., Vogt, J. & Christ, O. (2015). Theoretical implementation of prior knowledge in the design of a multi-scale prosthesis satisfaction questionnaire. Special Issue of the online Journal of Biomedical Engineering on the basis of a contribution to the Robotic Science and Systems Conference, 2013.
- Schürmann T., Overath P., Christ O., Vogt J. & Beckerle, P. (2015). Exploration of lower limb body schema integration with respect to body-proximal robotics. 1st International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry, IEEE, pp. 61-64.
- Knöll, M., Konert, J., Neuheuser, K., Dutz, T., Hardy, S., Gutjahr, M., Rudolph-Cleff, A., Vogt, J. & Göbel, S. (2015). Interdisciplinary course on urban health games – concept and first results of a new interdisciplinary course on location-based games for health. Smart City Learning: Opportunities and Challenges. Workshop in connection with ECTEL2014 in Graz, Austria.
- Kolb, N., Bartsch, S., Volkamer, M. & Vogt, J. (2014). Capturing attention for warnings about insecure password fields – systematic development of a passive security intervention. 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2014), Springer.
- Beckerle P., Christ O., Windrich M., Rinderknecht S., Vogt J. (2013). User-centered prosthetic design: a methodological approach to transfer psychological factors to technical development. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Technically Assisted Rehabilitation (TAR-2013), March 14-15, Berlin, Germany.
- Christ, O., Elger, A., Schneider, K., Beckerle, P., Vogt, J. & Rinderknecht, S. (2013). Identification of haptic paths with different resolution and their effect on body scheme illusion in lower limbs. In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Technically Assisted Rehabilitation (TAR-2013), March 14-15, Berlin, Germany.
- Beckerle, P., Christ, O., Windrich, M., Rinderknecht, S., Vogt, J. & Wojtusch, J. (2013). A methodological approach to integrate psychological factors to lower limb prosthetic functional design. In: International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics World Congress, 4th – 7th February, HICC, Hyderabad, India.
- Kalveram, K.T., Kensche, M.J., König, P., Lauer, T., Schröder, T., Schwering, S., Eichhorn, E. & Vogt, J. (2013). Humans adapt to a changed viscous load on the arm always in the same manner – whether visual feedback is given or not. International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines AMAM2013. March 11-14, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Ullrich, D., Lambrecht, J.H. & Vogt, J. (2011). Mensch System Integration (MSI) in der Flugsicherung als interdisziplinärer Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprozess (S. 19-28). In M. Grandt & S. Schmerwitz. 53. Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik der DGLR. 27.-28.10.2011, Jeppesen GmbH, Neu-Isenburg.
- Keil, U. & Vogt, J. (2012). Balanced Scorecard Gesundheit. In G. Athanassiou, S. Schreiber-Costa & O. Sträter (Hrsg.): Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit. Sichere und gute Arbeit erfolgreich gestalten – Forschung und Umsetzung in die Praxis. 17. Workshop 2012. Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
- Beckerle, P., Christ, O., Wojtusch, J., Schuy, J., Wolff, K., Rinderknecht, S., Vogt, J. & von Stryk, O. (2012). Design and control of a robot for the assessment of psychological factors in prosthetic development. IEEE SMC, pp. 1485-1490.
- Jokisch, M., Preller J., Schropp, A., Christ, O., Beckerle, P. & Vogt, J. (2012). The rubber hand illusion paradigm transferred to the lower limb: a physiological, behavioural, and psychometric approach. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 85 (3), 421-422. ISSN: 0167-8760
- Christ, O., Woitusch, J., Beckerle, P., Wolff, K., Vogt, J., v. Stryk, O. & Rinderknecht, S. (2012). Prosthesis-user-in-the-loop: user-centered design parameters and visual simulation. 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. San Diego, California, USA. EMBC IEEE, pp. 1929-1932.
- Woitusch, J., Beckerle, P., Christ, O., Wolff, K., v. Stryk, O., Rinderknecht, S. & Vogt, J. (2012). Prosthesis-user-in-the-loop: a user-specific biomechanical modelling and simulation environment. 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. San Diego, California, USA. EMBC IEEE, pp. 4181-4184.
Peer-reviewed and SCI / SSCI indexed conference abstracts:
- Christ, O. Jokisch, M. Preller, J. Beckerle, P. Rinderknecht, S. & Vogt, J. (2012). Persistence of the rubber hand illusion and maintaining factors during active or passive movements: new indicators for rehabilitation? European Psychiatry, 27, (S1), p. 224, ISSN: 0924-9338.
- Christ, O., Beckerle, P., Preller, J., Jokisch, M., Rinderknecht, S., Wojtusch, J., von Stryk, O. & Vogt, J. (2012). The rubber hand illusion: maintaining factors and a new perspective biomedical engineering of lower limp prosthetics? Biomedical Engineering, 57 (S1), pp 846-849. e-ISSN 1862-278X
- Christ, O., Jokisch, M., Preller, J., Beckerle, P., Rinderknecht, S., Wojtusch, J., von Stryk, O. & Vogt, J. (2012). User-centered prosthetic development: comprehension of amputees' needs. Biomedical Engineering, 57 (S1), pp. 1098-1101. e-ISSN 1862-278X
- Christ, O., Beckerle, P., Rinderknecht, S. & Vogt, J. (2011). Usability, satisfaction, and appearance while using lower limb prostheses: implications for the future. Neuroscience Letters, Volume 500, Supplement 1, August 2011, p. e50.
- Pennig, S. & Vogt, J. (2008). Handlungshilfe zur ökonomischen Evaluation von Personalmaßnahmen – Leitlinien und Werkzeuge. Dortmund: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin. ISBN: 978-3-88261-076-5, Projektnummer: F 2105. http://docplayer.org/1193699-Forschung-projekt-f-2105-st-pennig-j-vogt.html
- Pennig, S. & Vogt, J. (2008). Profitability Assessment and Economic Evaluation of Human Performance Management Programs – Guidelines and Tools. Dortmund: German Federal Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. ISBN: 978-3-88261-076-5, research project No F 2105. http://www.baua.de/de/Publikationen/Fachbeitraege/F2105-3.html
- Pennig, S., Kremeskötter, N., Nolle, T., Koch, A., Maziul, M. & Vogt, J. (2006). Ökonomische Evaluation von Personalressourcen und Personalarbeit. Bremerhaven: Wirtschaftsverlag NW.
- Vogt, J. (2002). Contributions of psychology to the sustainable development of air traffic management. University of Dortmund: Professorial thesis (written part of Habilitation).
- Vogt, J., Becher, L. & Kastner, M. (1999). Kurzentspannung für den Arbeitsplatz (CD mit Begleitheft). Band 1 der Reihe „Gesund leben und arbeiten“ des Vereins zur Förderung des Umwelt-, Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsverhaltens FUGS e.V. Dortmund. Herdecke: MAORI.
- Vogt, J. (1998). Psychophysiologische Beanspruchung von Fluglotsen. Universität Dortmund: Dissertation.
Published books and journal editions:
- Vogt, J. & Thönes S. (Hrsg.) (2015). Einführung in die Biologische Psychologie und das peripher-physiologische Messen. Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
- Leonhardt, J. & Vogt, J. (Eds) (2006). Critical incident stress management CISM in aviation. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Vogt, J. (Hrsg.) (2004). Immer schön die Haltung wahren! Eine kleine Rückenschule. Band 5 der Reihe „Gesund leben und arbeiten“ des FUGS e.V. Dortmund. Herdecke: MAORI.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (Guest Eds) (2003). Interfaces in air traffic organisation. Special Issue of Human Factors and Aerospace Safety, 3(3), 195-283.
- Vogt, J. & Nolle, T. (Hrsg.) (2003). Mehr Spaß an der Arbeit. Band 4 der Reihe „Gesund leben und arbeiten“ des FUGS e.V. Dortmund. Herdecke: MAORI.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (Hrsg.) (2002). Abfallmanagement in medizinischen Einrichtungen als Modul systemverträglicher Organisationsentwicklung. Band 3 der Reihe „Gesund leben und arbeiten“ des FUGS e.V. Dortmund. Herdecke: MAORI.
- Vogt, J. (Hrsg.) (2002). Oft auf Achse? Trotzdem gesund essen und trinken! Ernährungstipps für Berufs¬kraftfahrer. Band 2 der Reihe „Gesund leben und arbeiten“ des FUGS e.V. Dortmund. Herdecke: MAORI.
- Kastner, M. & Vogt, J. (Hrsg.) (2001). Strukturwandel in der Arbeitswelt und individuelle Bewältigung. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Schreiber, M., Vogt, J. & Greiner, F. (Eds) (1998). Ageing – motor behavior, mental abilities, emotion, and rehabilitation. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
Book chapters and journal articles without peer review:
- Dettweiler, M., Diepes, C., Spatz, L., Linke, H.J. & Vogt, J. (2017). Aktive Innenentwicklung mithilfe von Visualisierung – Teil 1. Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung 79 (4): 183-188
- Dettweiler, M., Diepes, C., Spatz, L., Linke, H.J. & Vogt, J. (2017). Aktive Innenentwicklung mithilfe von Visualisierung – Teil 2. Flächenmanagement und Bodenordnung 79 (6): 275-280
- Schuster, D., Vogt, J. & Bongard, S. (2018). Vereinbarkeit von Wechselschichtdienst und Gesundheit – Entwicklung eines scorecard-basierten Gesundheitsfragebogens bei der Polizei. In A. Fischbach & P. W. Lichtenthaler (Hrsg.): Neue Erkenntnisse aus Wissenschaft und Praxis zu Stress, Erholung und Gesundheit in der Polizei. Frankfurt: Verlag Polizei und Wissenschaft.
- Dirsch-Weigand, A., Pinkelman, R., Wehner, F.D., Vogt, J. & Hampe, M. (2017). Picking low hanging fruits – integrating multidisciplinary learning in traditional engineering curricula by interdisciplinary project courses. In: M. Auer & K. Sun Kim (Eds): Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Berlin: Springer.
- Menig, A. & Vogt, J. (2016). Herz-Kreislauf-Aktivität. In: Vogt, J. & Thönes S. (Hrsg.): Einführung in die Biologische Psychologie und das peripher-physiologische Messen (S. 10-17). Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
- Vogt, J. (2016). Okuläre Prozesse. In: Vogt, J. & Thönes S. (Hrsg.): Einführung in die Biologische Psychologie und das peripher-physiologische Messen (S. 22-23). Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
- Vogt, J. (2016). Verfahrensprotokoll für Physiologger-Aufzeichnung. In: Vogt, J. & Thönes S. (Hrsg.): Einführung in die Biologische Psychologie und das peripher-physiologische Messen (S. 47-51). Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
- Vogt, J. (2016). Anwendungsfelder in der arbeitspsychologischen Forschung. In: Vogt, J. & Thönes S. (Hrsg.): Einführung in die Biologische Psychologie und das peripher-physiologische Messen (S. 53-57). Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
- Strøbæk, P.S. & Vogt, J. (2015). Controlling and managing occupational safety and health – examples Denmark and Germany. In: H. Nold & J. Dony (Eds): Journey to Vision Zero (pp. 53-63). Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
- Vogt, J. & Strøbæk, P.S. (2015). Controlling and managing occupational safety and health – a strategic management approach with the balanced scorecard. In: H. Nold & J. Dony (Eds): Journey to Vision Zero (pp. 85-90). Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
- Schnee, M. & Vogt, J. (2015). Die gesundheitliche Situation von atypisch und prekär Beschäftigten. (S. 211-227). In: Böcken, J., Braun, B. & Meierjürgen, M. (Hrsg.): Gesundheitsmonitor 2015. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Schürmann, T, Beckerle, P. Vogt, J. & Christ, O. (2014). Sind Urteile von Experten unterschiedlicher Berufsbiografien einstimmig? Eine Studie zur professionellen Beurteilung von Beinprothesen. Orthopädie und Technik, 2/13, 30-35.
- Eckert, E.M., Schwärzel, L., Vogt, J. & Keil, U. (2014). Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement für Klinikpersonal mithilfe einer Balanced Scorecard. In Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V. (2014): Gestaltung der Arbeitswelt der Zukunft. Bericht zum 60. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft vom 12.-14. März 2014. Dortmund: GfA-Press, S. 274-276.
- Fröhlich, M., Keil, U. & Vogt, J. (2014). Gesundheitsgerechte Führung – Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Trainingsprogramms. In M. Eigenstetter, T. Kunz, R. Portune & R. Trimpop (Hrsg.): Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit. Psychologie der gesunden Arbeit. 18. Workshop 2014. Kröning: Asanger Verlag. S. 205-208.
- Schwärzel, L., Eckert, E.M., Keil, U. & Vogt, J. (2014). Gesundheits-Balanced-Scorecard. In M. Eigenstetter, T. Kunz, R. Portune & R. Trimpop (Hrsg.): Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit. Psychologie der gesunden Arbeit. 18. Workshop 2014. Kröning: Asanger Verlag. S. 343-346.
- Schnee, M. & Vogt, J. (2013). Burnout, Mobbing und Präsentismus – Zusammenhänge und Präventionsmaßnahmen In: J. Böcken, B. Braun und U. Repschläger (Hrsg.): Gesundheitsmonitor 2012. Bürgerorientierung im Gesundheitswesen (S. 98-116). Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Köper, B. & Vogt, J. (2011). Steuerung des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements mit der Balanced Scorecard – Forschungsstand und Fallstudie in einem produzierenden Großunternehmen (S. 154-177). In M. Kastner & R. Otte (Hrsg.): Empirische Ergebnisse und Zukunftsaspekte im betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Leonhardt, J. & Vogt, J. (2011). Critical incident stress management and the prevention of trauma in air traffic controllers (p. 63-80). In N. Tehrani (Ed.): Managing Trauma in the Workplace. Supporting Workers and Organizations. London: Routledge.
- Christ, O., Seehaus, A. & Sorgatz, H. & Vogt, J. (2010). Muskuläre Belastung und veränderte Ko-Kontraktionen am PC-Arbeitsplatz: Ereigniskorreliertes EMG bei älteren und jüngeren Arbeitnehmern. 47. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Vogt, J. & Christ, O. (2010). Entwicklungen der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktionen (MMI) in der Flugsicherung. 47. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Vogt, J. & Schnee M. (2010). Präsentismus und Muskel-Skelett-Beschwerden. Bericht zur 56. Frühjahrskonferenz der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft vom 24.03.-26.03.2010 (S. 707-710). Schriftltg.: Martin Schütte. Dortmund: GfA-Press.
- Vogt, H., Udovic, A., Laaser, I. & Christ, O. (2010). Belastungsmanagement durch Entwicklung von Arbeitslastmodellen für Fluglotsen. 47. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Psychologie. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Vogt, J., Badura, B. & Hollmann, D. (2009). Krank bei der Arbeit: Präsentismusphänomene (S. 179-202). In: Böcken, J., Braun, B. & Landmann, J. (Hrsg.): Gesundheitsmonitor 2009. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.
- Böcker, M., Vogt, J., Christ, O., & Müller-Leonhardt, A. (2009). Health, safety, and performance in high altitude observatories: a sustainable approach. The Messenger, 137, 33-35.
- Böcker, M., Vogt, J. & Nolle-Gösser, T. (2008). Scientific approach for optimising performance, health and safety in high-altitude observatories. The Messenger, 133, 49-52.
- Böcker, M. & Vogt, J. (2007). Research project safety and health in high-altitude observatories. The Messenger, 127, 64-65.
- Leonhardt, J. & Vogt, J. (2007). Kulturelle Unterschiede in der Bewältigung kritischer Ereignisse (S. 63-86). In: K. Boege & R. Manz (Hrsg.): Traumatische Ereignisse im interkulturellen Kontext. Heidelberg, Kröning: Asanger Verlag.
- Vogt, J., Maziul, M., Sars, M. & Petter, B. (2007). Wissens- und Kulturaustausch zwischen Dänemark und Deutschland (S. 131-148). In M. Kastner, E. Neumann-Held & C. Reick (Hrsg.): Kultursynergien oder Kulturkonflikte. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Vogt, J. (2007). Wirtschaftlicher Erfolg und Unternehmenskultur – konkret gemessen (S. 36-41). In: Initiative Neue Qualität der Arbeit (INQA): Unternehmenskultur und wirtschaftlicher Erfolg. ISBN: 978-3-86509-728-6. Dortmund: INQA.
- Köper, B. & Vogt, J. (2006). Workshop 1: Unternehmenskultur und wirtschaftlicher Erfolg (S. 100-101). In: Initiative Neue Qualität der Arbeit (INQA): Mitarbeiterorientierte Unternehmenskultur – Vision oder Erfolgsstory. ISBN (13): 978-86509-61-0. Dortmund: INQA.
- Vogt, J. & Leonhardt, J. (2006). Introduction (pp 1-3). In J. Leonhardt & J. Vogt (Eds): Critical incident stress management CISM in aviation. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Leonhardt, J. & Vogt, J. (2006). Critical incident, critical incident stress, posttraumatic stress disorder – definitions and underlying neurobiological processes (pp 43-52). In J. Leonhardt & J. Vogt (Eds): Critical incident stress management CISM in aviation. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Vogt, J. & Pennig, S. (2006). Cost-Benefit-Analyses of critical incident stress management CISM (pp 153-170). In J. Leonhardt & J. Vogt (Eds): Critical incident stress management CISM in aviation. Aldershot: Ashgate.
- Pennig, S. & Vogt, J. (2005). Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse in der Personalentwicklung: Ein Steuerungs-instrument zur Strategieumsetzung. Personalführung 9/2005, 30-39.
- Vogt, J. (2004). Physikalische Belastungen in unseren Arbeits- und Umwelten. In M. Kastner (Hrsg.): Die Zukunft der Work Life Balance – Wie lassen sich Beruf und Familie, Arbeit und Freizeit miteinander vereinbaren? (S. 221 – 260). Heidelberg: Asanger Verlag.
- Vogt, J. (2003). Motivation der Bevölkerung zur Abfalltrennung. In G. Hösel, B. Bilitewski, W. Schenkel & H. Schnurer (Hrsg.): Müll-Handbuch (Originalarbeit 2823). Berlin: Erich-Schmidt-Verlag.
- Vogt, J. (2002). Wirkung von physikalischen Noxen (einschließlich Information). In W. Dott, H. F. Merk, J. Neuser & R. Osieka (Hrsg.): Lehrbuch der Umweltmedizin (S. 479 – 487). Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.
- Vogt, J., Stein, B. & Böcker, M. (2002). Anforderungen, Belastungen, Ressourcen von Gewerkschafts– und Call Center Mitarbeiterinnen: Eine vergleichende Pilotstudie. In M. Kastner (Hrsg.): Call Center, nützliche Dienstleistung oder Sklavengaleere? Call Center im öffentlichen Dienst mit Blick auf Krisen– und Notsituationen. Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Vogt, J., Kolzarek, B. & Schenkmann, A. (2002). Entsorgungsmanagement in medizinischen Einrichtungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung medizinischer Kunststoffe. In J. Vogt & M. Kastner (Hrsg.): Abfallmanagement in medizinischen Einrichtungen als Modul systemverträglicher Organisationsentwicklung. Band 3 der Reihe „Gesund leben und arbeiten“ des Vereins zur Förderung des Umwelt-, Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsverhaltens FUGS e.V. Dortmund (S. 109 – 126). Herdecke: MAORI.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (2002). Belastung und Beanspruchung von Fluglotsen und was man dagegen tun kann. UniReport – Berichte aus der Forschung der Universität Dortmund, 33, 2001/2002 (S. 21 – 28). Monsheim: VMK.
- Vogt, J., Kolzarek, B., Hein, M. & Kastner, M. (2001). Motivation maximal, Organisation suboptimal: Der Umgang mit Abfall im Krankenhaus insbesondere die Getrenntsammlung von Einweg–Kunststoffartikeln muß besser organisiert werden. Müllmagazin, 4, 50–56.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (2001). Psychophysiological stress of air traffic controllers. In J. Fahrenberg & M. Myrtek (Eds): Progress in ambulatory assessment (pp. 455 – 476). Seattle: Hogrefe & Huber.
- Dudda, F., Kuhnert, P., Vogt, J. & Kastner, M., (2001). Beanspruchung und Bewältigungsdispositionen in der Arbeitslosigkeit. In M. Kastner & J. Vogt (Hrsg.): Strukturwandel in der Arbeitswelt und individuelle Bewältigung (S. 227 – 243). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Kastner, M., Kastner, B. & Vogt, J. (2001). Wachsende Dynaxität und das Beschäftigungskontinuum. In M. Kastner & J. Vogt (Hrsg.): Strukturwandel in der Arbeitswelt und individuelle Bewältigung (S. 35 – 62). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Kastner, M., Vogt, J. & Kastner, B. (2001). Die Relevanz psychologischer Forschung für die Gestaltung des sozial–politischen Wandels. In M. Kastner & J. Vogt (Hrsg.): Strukturwandel in der Arbeitswelt und individuelle Bewältigung (S. 325 – 349). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Vogt, J. & Wiemers, J. (2001). Kurzentspannung für den Arbeitsplatz. In M. Kastner & J. Vogt (Hrsg.): Strukturwandel in der Arbeitswelt und individuelle Bewältigung (S. 305 – 324). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Vogt, J., Böcker, M. & Kastner, M. (2001). Eine Philosophie der systemverträglichen Entwicklung des sozialen Sicherungssystems. In M. Kastner (Hrsg.): Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsnetzwerk der Zukunft (GESINET) (S. 119 – 135). Herdecke: MAORI.
- Kastner, M., Gerlmaier, A., Kastner, B. & Vogt, J. (2001). Paradigmen in der Organisation von Sicherheit und Gesundheit für zukünftige Arbeits- und Organisationsformen. In M. Kastner (Hrsg.): Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsnetzwerk der Zukunft (GESINET) (S. 107 – 118). Herdecke: MAORI.
- Böcker, M., Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (1999). Förderung des Umwelt–, Gesundheits– und Sicherheitsverhaltens in neuen Organisationsformen – Eine system(at)ische Weltanschauung. In M. Kastner (Hrsg.): Gesundheit und Sicherheit in neuen Arbeits– und Organisationsformen (S. 349 – 364). Herdecke: MAORI.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (1999). Psychophysiologische Beanspruchung von Fluglotsen – ein Beispiel für Wissenschaft als Wegbereiter. In M. Kastner (Hrsg.): Gesundheit und Sicherheit in neuen Arbeits– und Organisationsformen (S. 275 – 282). Herdecke: MAORI.
- Ademmer, C., Budde, G., Hagemann, T., Kastner, M., Udovic, A. & Vogt, J. (1998). Optimierung durch Prozeßdiagnose von Belastung und Beanspruchung bei der Fluglotsentätigkeit. In M. Kastner (Hrsg.): Verhaltensorientierte Prozeßoptimierung (S. 269 – 290). Herdecke: MAORI.
- Kastner, M. & Vogt, J. (1998). Beanspruchungsoptimierung bei Führungskräften. In K.C. Klauer & H. Westmeyer (Hrsg.): Psychologische Methoden und soziale Prozesse (S. 402 – 426). Lengerich: Pabst Science Publishers.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (1998). Mens sana in corpore sana. Prozeßoptimierung durch Gesundheitsverhalten. In M. Kastner (Hrsg.): Verhaltensorientierte Prozeßoptimierung (S. 211 – 227). Herdecke: MAORI.
- Vogt, J. & Kalveram, K.T. (1994). Physische und psychische Wirkungen von Lärm. Konsum und Umwelt, 1, 12–14.
Conference contributions:
- Unden, M., Vogt, J., Novoa, M., Wagner, S. & Leonhardt, K. (submitted for 2019). Psychische Belastung und Beanspruchung von Fachkräften im Auslandseinsatz. 59. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin (DGAUM) 20.-22. März 2019 in Erfurt, Germany.
- Menig, A., Breitenbach, G. & Vogt, J. (2017). Praxisrelevante Erkenntnisse zur Erhebung der physiologischen Beanspruchung in Fahrsimulatorstudien – Einfluss des psychischen Ausgangszustands auf die Baseline-Messung. 10. Tagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (DGPS), Dresden, Germany.
- Kalveram, K.T., Lauer, T., Babl, S., Binder, C., Klubertanz, A., Roehr, K., Wicharz, E., Yatsevich, D. & Vogt, J. (2016). Predicted error pushes pointing movements into the goal. Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG), Vortrag auf der Frühjahrstagung des Fachverbandes Biologische Physik am 7. März 2016 in Regensburg, Germany.
- Menig, A., Neuheuser, K. & Vogt, J. (2015). Time out – Ein mobiles Übungsprogramm für Körper und Psyche. Posterbeitrag zum 12. Kongress der Fachgruppe Gesundheitspsychologie, Graz, Germany.
- Becher, L.F., Breitbach, J., Poulet, R., Rudolph, M. & Vogt, J. (2010). Berufliche Beanspruchung und Optimismus im Verlauf einer psychosomatischen Rehabilitation. In: 19. Rehabilitationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium. Qualität in der Rehabilitation – Management, Praxis, Forschung. 8. bis 10. März 2010, Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund, S. 506-508, Leipzig, Germany.
- Leemüller, R., Gundermann, J. & Vogt, J. (2008). Benutzerzentrierte Mensch-System-Integration und Automation im Single European Sky. 50. Fachausschusssitzung DGLR T5.4 Anthropotechnik, Oktober 2008, Manching, Germany.
- Vogt, J. & Udovic, A. (2008). Validation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems’ (UAS) Integration into the airspace – The VUSIL Project. German Aviation and Space Congress, September 2008, Darmstadt, Germany.
- Udovic, A., Vogt, J. & Vielhauer, J. (2008). Validation of UAS integration into the airspace – the VUSIL Project. UAS Unmanned Aircraft Systems: The Global Perspective 2008/2009, June 2008, Paris, France.
- Vogt, J., Leonhardt, J. & Pennig, S (2007). Safety culture and organisational performance. FAA EUROCONTROL R&D-Seminar, October 2007, Rome, Italy.
- Leonhardt, J. & Vogt, J. (2007). Assessing the return on investment of a CISM programme. Staff Care National Conference “Towards Safer Staff” of the NHS, September 2007, Ayrshire & Arran, Scotland, UK.
- Gamm, N., Horváth, P., Möller, K. & Vogt, J. (2007). A performance measurement framework for workplace health promotion in manufacturing environments: first exploratory insights from the automobile industry. EAA Annual Congress, February 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Vogt, J., Leonhardt, J. & Pennig, S (2007). Assessing the return on investment of a CISM program – main study. 9th World Congress on Stress, Trauma & Coping, February 2007, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
- Vogt, J., Köper, B. & Pennig, S. (2006). Sustainable development of air traffic management. In T.C. D’Oliveira, & A. Droog (Eds): Proceedings of the 27th Conference of the European Association for Aviation Psychology, Potsdam, Germany.
- Köper, B. & Vogt J. (2004). Economic evaluation of human factors and resources programmes. Tutorial EAAP Conference. Sesimbra (02.-07.10.2004), Portugal.
- Eißfeld, H., Weber, R. Udovic, A. & Vogt, J. (2006). Longterm prediction of stress resistance in air traffic controllers. Proceedings of the 27th Conference of the European Association for Aviation Psychology, Potsdam, Germany.
- Maziul, M., Sars, M. & Vogt, J. (2006). Exchange of knowledge and culture between Denmark and Germany. 2nd International Conference on Intercultural Communication Competence, Graz, Austria.
- Köper, B. & Vogt, J. (2004). Economic evaluation of human factors and human resource programmes. Proceedings of the 26th Conference of the European Association for Aviation Psychology, Sesimbra, Portugal. 169-174.
- Arndt, N., Flindell, I. & Vogt, J. (2003). Airport noise telephone services. Euronoise 2003, Naples.
- Haugg, E., Kastner M. & Vogt, J. (2003). Information policy of airports in the view of the citizens and measures against annoyance. Euronoise 2003, Naples.
- Vogt, J. & Nowak, M. (2003). The role of common prejudices in aircraft (noise) annoyance. Euronoise 2003, Naples.
- Haugg, E. & Vogt, J. (2002). Annoyance reduction due to the Heli–Scheduler at Augsburg Regional Airport. Forum Acusticum 2002, Sevilla.
- Maziul, M. & Vogt, J. (2002). Can a telephone service reduce annoyance? Forum Acusticum 2002, Sevilla.
- Vogt, J., Haugg, E. & Kastner, M. (2001). Sustainable airport development – evaluating non–acoustical noise abatement procedures. In A. Alippi (Ed.): Proceedings of the 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (2000). The role of information policy on annoyance generation and reduction. In D. Cassereau (Ed.): Proceedings of the 2000 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering, Nice.
- Kalveram, K.T., Dassow, J. & Vogt, J. (1999). How information about the source influences noise annoyance. Proceedings of the 1999 International Congress on Acoustics, Berlin.
- Kalveram, K.T., Wiemers, J. & Vogt, J. (1999). Relationship between physical noise level, experienced annoyance, and physiological reaction. Proceedings of the 1999 International Congress on Sound and Vibration, 5–8 July 1999 Copenhagen.
- Vogt, J. & Kalveram, K.T. (1999). Trading level for number of aircraft immissions: A full–factorial laboratory design. Proceedings of the 1999 International Congress on Acoustics, Berlin.
- Vogt, J. & Kastner, M. (1999). Sustainable airport development – investigating psychological and health–related noise effects and potential counter–measures. In J. Cushieri, S. Glegg, Y. Yang (Eds): Proceedings of the 1999 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (pp. 1223 – 1226). Ft. Lauderdale, USA.
- Mauss, I., Vogt, J. & Kalveram K.T. (1998). Trading level for number in the laboratory: Differential effects of aircraft noise on cardiovascular activation, annoyance, and assessment of quality of life. Proceedings of the 135th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America (pp. 93 – 94). Seattle, Washington.
- Vogt, J., Mauss, I., Lahl, O., Kalveram, K.T. (1997). The relative impact of aircraft noise and number: A full factorial laboratory design (pp. 99 – 106). In A. Schick & M. Klatte (Eds): Contributions to psychological acoustics, Oldenburg: Bibliotheks– u. Informationssystem der Universität Oldenburg.
- Lutz, K., Niedorny, M., Vogt, J. & Jäncke L (1996). Einfluß des Tonus der Gesichtsmuskulatur auf die Hörschwelle (S. 142 – 143). In T. Portele & W. Hess (Hrsg.): Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 96. Oldenburg: DEGA e.V.
- Vogt, J., Lehmann, C., Kainath, P. & Kalveram, K.T. (1996). Simulation of tram noise abatement procedures in the psychoacoustic laboratory (pp. 1223 – 1226). In F.A. Hill & R. Lawrence (Eds): Noise control – the next 25 years. St. Albans, AL: Institute of Acoustics.
- Vogt, J., Lemburg, C., deLijster, M., Lahl, O. & Kalveram, K.T. (1996). Schallbelastungen im Orchestergraben und potentielle Schutzmaßnahmen. In T. Portele & W. Hess (Hrsg.): Fortschritte der Akustik – DAGA 96 (S. 300 – 301). Oldenburg: DEGA e.V.
- Vogt, J., Lemburg, C., Jäncke, L. & Kalveram, K.T. (1995). Trading level for number – further evidence that experimentally induced annoyance does not increase. In R.J. Bernhard & J.S. Bolton (Eds): Proceedings of the 1995 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (pp. 857 – 860). Newport Beach, California.
- Vogt, J., Kalveram, K.T. & Kastka, J. (1994). Trade–off effects in the laboratory: A high number of soft aircraft did not exceed a low number of loud aircraft in psychological noise effects. In The Institute of Noise Control Engineering/Japan and the Acoustical Society of Japan (Eds): Noise – Quantity and Quality, Proceedings of the 1994 International Congress on Noise Control Engineering (pp. 251 – 254). Yokohama.
- Jäncke, L., Vogt, J. & Kalveram, K.T. (1993). Ökologische Aspekte der Geräuschbewertung. In V. Hempel (Hrsg.): A + A '93 – Beiträge der Institute der Heinrich–Heine–Universität Düsseldorf in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales des Landes Nordrhein–Westfalen (S. 45 – 49). Düsseldorf.
- Vogt, J., Musial, F., Kastka, J., Jäncke, L., Bauer, A. & Kalveram, K.T. (1993). Untersuchungen zu Lärm als Stressor. In V. Hempel (Hrsg.): A + A '93 – Beiträge der Institute der Heinrich–Heine–Universität Düsseldorf in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales des Landes Nordrhein–Westfalen (S. 39 – 44). Düsseldorf.
Patent applications:
- von Stryk O., Beckerle P., Christ O., Rinderknecht S., Vogt J.: Procedure and environment for testing prostheses. DE 10 2012 103 971.2, 2012.
- von Stryk O., Beckerle P., Christ O., Rinderknecht S., Vogt J.: Procedure and environment for applications of test prostheses. DE 10 2012 103 972.0, 2012.