Dr. Marita Unden
Marita Unden is a staff member of the ATHENE mission Secure Urban Infrastructures (SUI). She works on interactions between security and safety in smart cities.
Marita Unden is a staff member of the ATHENE mission Secure Urban Infrastructures (SUI). She works on interactions between security and safety in smart cities.
From March 2015 to 2020, she was an external doctoral student in the research group Work and Engineering Psychology at the Institute of Psychology at TU Darmstadt. The research focus of her dissertation is on psychological stress and strain in working life, international development cooperation as well as conflict management. Within the framework of her doctoral project, which is funded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES), she is working on psychological stress and strain of foreign staff in international development cooperation, especially in crisis countries. To this end, she has a research cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).