FAI has several laboratories in the fields of peripheral physiological measurement as well as eye tracking.
A brief glimpse into the laboratory rooms of the Institutes of Psychology and of Sport Sciences is also provided by the video below, which was recorded as part of the “Hour of the Open Lab Door” in 2012. In addition, the FAI also has mobile measurement equipment (20 blood pressure monitors; 4 movisens, 4 Physiologger, 2 varioport; contact: ). Prof. Dr. Joachim Vogt
On the initiative of Joachim Vogt and other German professors of Engineering Esychology, the German Society of Psychology (DGPs) founded the Engineering Psychology Section in 2018/19. Martin Baumann (Ulm) was elected as speaker, Joachim Vogt as his deputy, Lewis Chuang (LMU Munich) as cash auditor, and Christiane Attig as young member representative. One of the first activities of the engineering psychology group was the creation of a database on the laboratory equipment of the professorships. Young members get access to the expensive and rare engineering psychology know-how and equipment: