Competence Development through Interdisciplinary and International Networking from the Very Beginning

The Technical University of Darmstadt has once again convinced with its concept for improving study conditions and teaching quality. The project “Competence Development through Interdisciplinary and International Networking from the Very Beginning” (KI²VA, “Kompetenzentwicklung durch Interdisziplinäre und Internationale Vernetzung von Anfang an”) was also successful in the second funding phase and will be funded from October 2016 to December 2020 within the framework of the Teaching Quality Pact (Qualitätspakt Lehre) with approximately 12.5 million euros (funding code: 01PL16048).

The measures of KI²VA tie in with the fields of action of the first funding period and develop them further structurally. Three fields of action were identified in the first application: “Interdisciplinary networking”, “Student engagement”, and “Strengthening STEM”. The project structure of KI²VA was adapted for the second funding period. In line with the aspiration of an interdisciplinary and diverse university, KI²VA continues to develop proven key topics, supplemented by the new topic “Bridge Concept School – University”, and focuses even more strongly on the cross-sectional topics of interdisciplinarity, internationality, and gender and diversity. The planned measures are aimed in particular at first-year students in order to support them in the introductory phase, which is important for their academic success.

Contact: Dipl.-Volksw. Christiane Kellner

The KI²VA project pursues the following goals:

  • Strengthen a competence-oriented study program already in the introductory phase,
  • to ensure the active involvement of students
  • to inspire more people to study STEM subjects (mathematics, informatics, natural sciences, technology) in the long term.

More detailed information on the project structure and the subprojects can be found on the general project website of the TU Darmstadt.