Work and Engineering Psychology
Ms. Christiane Kellner worked as a research associate in the research group Work and Engineering Psychology at TU Darmstadt from 2017 to 2023.
Within the framework of the project “Competence Development through Interdisciplinary and International Networking from the Very Beginning” (KI²VA, in German: “Kompetenzenwicklung durch Interdisziplinäre und Internationale Vernetzung von Anfang an”), she was responsible for evaluating the focal topics “KI²VA Student Office” and “KI²VA Bridge Concept” as well as the cross-cutting topics “KI²VA Interdisciplinarity” and “KI²VA Internationality” and “KI²VA Gender & Diversity”.
2017 – 2023
Scientific staff member, research group Work and Engineering Psychology, Institute of Psychology, Darmstadt University of Technology
2014 – 2016
Scientific staff member at the Department of Sociology of Diversity, Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences, Technical University of Munich
2013 – 2016
External evaluator of the project “Netzwerk Inklusion Kreis Segeberg”, Lebenshilfe Bad Segeberg and surrounding area
2011 – 2014
Project Manager “ Inklusive Gemeinde VG Mitterteich”, Lebenshilfe KV Tirschenreuth
2008 – 2009
Scientific assistant in Project Q, University of Regensburg
since 2013
Master of Evaluation, Saarland University
Diploma in National Economy, University of Regensburg
Catholic Theology & Pedagogy [M.A.], University of Regensburg
international action competence
- Equal Opportunities Officer of the Faculty 03
- Member of the University Assembly of the TU Darmstadt
- Member of the Senate Teaching Committee of Technical University Darmstadt
- Network Research: A Means to Evaluating Project Success?“, XXXIX Sunbelt Social Networks Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) on 2019-06-20 in Montreal (Canada)
- Network Research: A Means to Evaluate Project Success?”, 4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN Zurich 2019) on 2019 – 09- 12 in Zürich (Switzerland)
- Netzwerke in KI²VA: Strukturen erkennen und formativ evaluieren“ bei der KI²VA-Tagung „Vernetzte Hochschule – Netzwerke für die Lehre“ on 2018-11-13 in Darmstadt
- Session „Social Networks and Social Support”, 2th European Conference on Social Networks on 2017-09-29 in Mainz
- Netzwerkstrukturen von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Behinderung in Außenwohngruppen, Tagung: „Der Stand der Netzwerkforschung“ Schrader Forum, Dezember | 5-6, Darmstadt (DE)
- Measuring the Participation and Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities, International Conference: “(Dis)ability and the Global 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Can Community-Based Rehabilitation Serve as a Guideline for Inclusive Sustainable Development?” Pwani University, November | 28-30, Kilifi (KE)
- Diversity in Society: The Disability Perspective (mit Sarah Reker), ISA 3rd International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology, Universität Wien, Juli | 10-14, Vienna (AT)
- Steigerung der Lebensqualität von Menschen mit Beeinträchtigung durch die Förderung gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe und Selbstbestimmung, Fachtagung für die bayerischen Dienste der Offenen Behindertenarbeit (OBA) – Sozialraumorientierung, Schwäbisches Tagungs- und Bildungszentrum, April | 14-16, Irsee (DE)
- Evaluation of a regional network for the inclusion of persons with impairments, INSNA XXXVI Sunbelt Conference of the international Network for social network analysis, University of Southern California, April | 4-11, Newport Beach (US)
- Diversity in Community: The Disability Perspective – Index for participation development and quality of life of persons with disabilities (TeLe-Index) (mit Sarah Reker), ICDD 18th International Conference on Disability and Diversity, February | 26, London (GB)
- Diversity in the City: The Disability Perspective. (mit Sarah Reker) Nordic Network on Disability Research 13th Research Conference, 2015, Mai 6-8, Bergen (NO)
- Inklusive Gemeinde – Lösungen für den ländlichen Raum. ConSozial, Fachmesse für den Sozialmarkt, 2015, Oktober 21-22, Nürnberg (DE)
Reker, Sarah & Kellner, Christiane (2016): (Um)Wandlung – Teilhabe und Vielfalt in traditionellen Großeinrichtungen für Menschen mit Behinderung. In: Hedderich, Ingeborg.; Zahnd, Raffael (Hrsg.): Teilhabe und Vielfalt: Herausforderungen einer Weltgesellschaft. Beiträge zur Internationalen Sonderpädagogik. Bad Heilbrunn: Julius Klinkhardt, 453-460
WS 2018/19
WS 2017/18
WS 2015/16