Introduction of integrated care according to §140b SGB V. flat-rate and performance-oriented remuneration; accompanying research for a pilot project of Vitos gGmbH and Barmer Gmünder Ersatzkasse GEK.
In general, the concept of integrated care describes a relatively new form of care promoted by the legislature and regulated within the framework of Section 140 of the German Social Code, Book V (SGB V). This statutory regulation makes it possible for health insurance funds to conclude „[…] Verträge über eine verschiedene Leistungssektoren übergreifende Versorgung der Versicherten oder eine interdisziplinär-fachübergreifende Versorgung […]“([…] contracts on care for the insured that spans various service sectors or on interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary care […]) with certain service providers, e.g., licensed physicians and hospital providers (SGB V, § 140a, b). The essential goal of implementing integrated care concepts is to achieve improved networking between sectors (e.g., specialists and hospitals) and/or different disciplines. This is intended to improve the quality of patient care and at the same time reduce health care costs by means of improved control of treatment processes.
Funded by: Vitos gGmbH and Barmer GEK
Duration: 2013 – 2014
Partners: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Berger, Dr. Stefan Pennig