Internationale Expertinnen und Experten wurden von Dr. Oliver Christ, Dr. Patrick Grieser und Prof. Dr. Joachim Vogt nach Darmstadt eingeladen. Rund 80 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer hörten
- Dr. Patrick Felicia (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland)
“Learning with video games: creative and effective practices “ - Prof. Dr. Franz Lehner (Passau University, Germany)
“Efficiency of E-Learning – what are the effects of E-Learning in mass lectures? “ - Alexander Westphal (Cornelsen Verlag, Germany)
“Electronic testing, diagnosing and assisting“
Beiträge aus Darmstadt:
- Boesche W. & Gutjahr, M. “Quantitative analysis of voice and keyboard chat from a paper presentation seminar in a virtual world “
- Vogt, J. et al. “Cost efficiency of e- learning in the education of air traffic controllers”
- Christ, O. & Rapp, A. “The effect of computer based trainings on cognitive functions in psychiatric patients.”
- Grieser, P.J. et al. “Effects of animations, audio files and text-tutorials on intuitive user behavior in the Moodle-E-Learning-Platform”
- Schwarz, K. et al.“The impact of biotic design on memory performance in cognitive computer based trainings compared to a non biotic control condition.”
- Weber, C. et al. “Evaluation of fostering creativity of students in preparing electronic revision courses with EREP 2.0: hassles and challenges. “
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