• Schürmann, T., Gerber, N., Gerber, P. (2020). Benefits of Formalized Computational Modeling for Understanding User Behavior in Online Privacy and Security Research. Journal of Intellectual Capital, ahead-of-print. doi: 10.1108/JIC-05-2019-0126
• Schürmann, T., Vogt, J., Christ, O., Beckerle, P. (submitted). The Bayesian Causal Inference model benefits from an informed prior to predict proprioceptive drift in the Rubber Foot Illusion.
• Herbst, J., Polanski-Schräder, L., Vogt, J., Schürmann, T., Beckerle, P. (submitted). Reliability and Validity Analysis of the Questionnaire to Explore Human Factors and their Technical Potential for Lower Limb Prosthetics.
• Schürmann, T., Smirny, J., Zimmermann, S., & Vogt, J. (2019). Can Probabilistic Cognitive Modeling Explain Adoption Behavior of Smartphone Apps Gathering Private Data? PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/h7srx
• Schürmann, T., Mohler, B., Peters, J., Beckerle, P. (2019). How cognitive models of human body experience might push robotics. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 13, 14.
• Schürmann, T. (2019). Evaluation bayesianischer kognitiver Modelle in der Vorhersage menschlichen Verhaltens (Dissertation, Technische Universität Darmstadt).
• Schürmann (2017). Psychological Evaluation of Human Choice Behavior in Socio-technical Systems: A Rational Process Model Approach. 11th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, 2017, Göteborg.
• Beckerle, P., Christ, O., Schürmann, T., Vogt, J., von Stryk, O., & Rinderknecht, S. (2017). A human-machine-centered design method for (powered) lower limb prosthetics. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. doi: 10.1016/j.robot.2017.05.004
• Schürmann, T. (2016) Uncertain risk representations and the disclosure of private information: A Bayesian approach towards understanding user behavior. Proceedings of the 10th Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science. p. 177.
• Beckerle, P., De Beir, A., Schürmann, T., Caspar, E. (2016). Human body schema exploration: Analyzing design requirements of Robotic Hand and Leg Illusions. 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pp. 763-768.
• Schmidt, M., Penner, D., Burkl, A., Stojanovic, R., Schürmann, T., Beckerle, P. (2016). Implementation and evaluation of a low-cost and compact electrodermal activity measurement system. Measurement, 92, pp. 96–102.
• Wojtusch, J., Beckerle, P., Schürmann, T., Schumacher, M., Christ, O., Seyfarth, A., Rinderknecht, S., Vogt, J., Stryk, O. (2016). Towards Seamless Integration of Active Assistive Devices into the User's Body Schema. In: Cybathlon Symposium, October 6, 2016, Kloten, Schweiz.
• Schürmann, T., Beckerle, P., Preller, J., Vogt, J., Christ, O. (2016). Theoretical Implementation of Prior Knowledge in the Design of a Multi-Scale Prosthesis Satisfaction Questionnaire. BioMedical Engineering OnLine 15:288 DOI: 10.1186/s12938-016-0288-5
• Schürmann, T., Overath, P., Christ, O., Vogt, J. & Beckerle, P. (2015). Exploration of Lower Limb Body Schema Integration with Respect to Body-Proximal Robotics. 1st International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry, IEEE, pp. 61-64.
• Schürmann, T., Frackenpohl, K., Binder, C. & Vogt, J. (2015). Rationalität im Beruf – ein Konzept zur probabilistischen Modellierung arbeitspsychologisch relevanter Entscheidungsprozesse. 9. Fachgruppentagung Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2015, Mainz.
• Schürmann, T., Binder, C., Janzarik, G. & Vogt, J. (2015). Movement Transformation on Multi-Touch Devices – Intuition or Instructional Preparation? . Applied Ergonomics, 50, 251-255
• Schürmann, T., Beckerle, P., Vogt, J. & Christ, O. (2014). Sind Urteile von Experten unterschiedlicher Berufsbiografien einstimmig? Eine Studie zur professionellen Beurteilung von Beinprothesen. Orthopädie und Technik, 2/14, 30-35
• Müller-Leonhardt, A., Mitchell, S., Vogt, J., Schürmann, T. (2014). Critical Incident Stress Management in complex systems: cultural adaptation and safety impacts in healthcare. Journal of Accident Analysis and Prevention, 68, 172-180
• Schürmann, T., Beckerle, P., Christ, O. & Vogt, J. (2013). Factors influencing the acceptance of lower limb prosthetics: Integrating patient needs and technical improvements. Robotics Science and Systems, 2013, Berlin.
• Schürmann, T. & Christ O. (2013). Psychological dimensions from an expert perspective: effect on survey design to enhance prosthesis technology. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 45 (9), 955-956
• Christ, O., Wolff, K., Seehaus, A., Schabel, A. & Schürmann, T. (2009). The effect of visual delay on muscular activation patterns in a simple motor task. Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the British Association of Cognitive Neuroscience. London.