Prof. Dr. habil. Yvonne Ferreira
Work and Engineering Psychology
Working area(s)
Prof. Ferreira is a graduate psychologist (Diploma) and professor of Business Psychology at FOM in Frankfurt.
Before her studies, Prof. Ferreira was trained in publishing and has since worked as an editor, author, and proofreader for professional publications. She has been editor of the Journal of Work Sciences (in German Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft) for 20 years.
Prof. Ferreira studied at the Technical University of Darmstadt. She then worked for 16 years as a research assistant at the Institute for Work Science at the Technical University of Darmstadt. During this time she completed her doctorate at the Department of Human Sciences. She then worked for three years as a conflict advisor for the state capital of Hesse Wiesbaden and as an occupational psychologist at the Horst Schmidt Clinics. Since 2013, she has been teaching and researching at the FOM, Institute for Business Psychology, in Frankfurt. Her teaching load includes Differential Psychology, General Psychology, Social Psychology, Aptitude Diagnostics, and Personnel Selection, Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods, Work and Organisational Psychology, and Scientific Working.
In 2016, the Human Sciences Department of the Technical University of Darmstadt habilitated Prof. Ferreira. The topic of the habilitation thesis was “Job satisfaction in theory and practice. Past – Present – Future Perspective” (in german: “Arbeitszufriedenheit in Theorie und Praxis. Vergangenheit – Gegenwart – Zukunftsperspektive”). The speakers were Prof. Dr. phil. Joachim Vogt (Technical University Darmstadt) and Prof. Dr Kathleen Otto (). The Venia Legendi was awarded for the subject of Psychology. University of Marburg
Research focuses on job satisfaction and mental stress and strain. Further information can be found on the homepage .