Lena Spatz M.A.
Ms Spatz worked as a research assistant in the research group Work and Engineering Psychology at the Institute of Psychology at TU Darmstadt from 01.04.2017 to 28.02.2019. As part of her work, Ms Spatz was involved in the BMBF-funded project „Aktivierung von Flächenpotenzialen für eine Siedlungsentwicklung nach innen – Beteiligung und Mobilisierung durch Visualisierung“ (, engl.: Activation of land potential for inward settlement development – participation and mobilisation through visualisation), in cooperation with Land Management (TU Darmstadt), the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics (Fraunhofer IGD), as well as the city of Bensheim and the municipalities of Münster and Otzberg. Ms Spatz's area of responsibility here was public participation. AktVis