Ines Passier M.Sc.
Ms Passier worked as a scientific staff member in the research group on Work and Engineering Psychology (FAI) at the Institute of Psychology at the TU Darmstadt from 2011-10-01 until 2018-12-31.
During her time at FAI, she was involved in the conceptualisation, implementation as well as evaluation of the project „FIGA – Frühzeitige Intervention psychische Gesundheit, ein sequenzielles Arbeitsfähigkeitsprojekt“ (Early Intervention Mental Health, a Sequential Work Ability Project). This innovative project was carried out in cooperation with the Caritasverband Darmstadt e.V., the company health insurance fund of Merck KGaA (Merck BKK), and the company health insurance fund of the AkzoNobel company. The aim of FIGA was to offer clients in crisis situations needs-oriented counselling in a timely manner and thus to consolidate or regain their health stability and ability to work.
In addition to her work at the Institute of Psychology, Ms Passier trained as a psychological psychotherapist (behavioural therapy).